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Learning to let go of Limiting Beliefs

Sep 03, 2023

Have you ever had a moment where you started to have a shitstorm of negative beliefs about yourself?I sure have. This often happens when we are stepping up to do something outside of our comfort zone. Limiting beliefs can be loud and oppressive AND they can be sneaky and quiet. Cropping up in our thoughts at the most inopportune times. Panic can set in, which makes the whole situation even more uncomfortable.

As humans, I believe that limiting beliefs are something we all tango with. Yes, it is a dance. At times we control them, and at other times they are most certainly in control of us. I can go from feeling confident and enthusiastic about something, to doubtful and uncertain in a heartbeat. It is like a switch gets flipped. All of a sudden I am asking myself "who the hell do I think I am?" or "what makes me think what I have to say is helpful?". The list of possible beliefs is endless and creatively cruel. 

The problem with these limiting beliefs is that they often cause us to retreat, stay small, quiet our voice, hide our face, not share our story. They hold us back. And they often hold us back from doing the very important work in this world that we are meant to do.

This is why I believe so strongly in doing this work of bringing our limiting beliefs out into the light. Making some connections about where they may have begun, and then getting to work reframing them so that we can get back into aligned action that we are meant to be in. It feels vulnerable. It can feel very raw. But if we are brave enough to examine them, we can discover new ways to not let them hold us back. And that is what this world needs is more of us doing our healing work so that we can show up with all of our hearts.

Are you ready to go deeper with limiting beliefs? They are running in the background whether we realize it or not, so I figure it is best to take a look. I have workshops where we work through limiting beliefs in a safe and supportive environment. I have also created an ebook for anyone who would like to begin examining their beliefs.

I invite you to start the work with me. Click here to purchase the ebook. 

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